✨SHOWCASE✨ Polly Pocket: Hidden Hideouts Full Set Reveal

✨SHOWCASE✨ Polly Pocket: Hidden Hideouts Full Set Reveal

The Hidden Hideouts collection is part of the new Polly Pockets that were released in 2018.

When I unboxed a whopping 60 modern Polly Pockets, these Hidden Hideouts caught my eye because they looked and felt most like the vintage Pollies.

There are little compartments in these toys that, when opened, reveal more goodies inside. Opening each and every one of them was so satisfying.

I quite enjoyed the element of surprise and not knowing what I was going to discover. I’ll admit, I was the first to scuff at the new Polly Pockets because I have a bias for the vintage ones, but this set was definitely fun to unlock.

They’re gorgeous too. They had more details than I was expecting. I especially love the design of the compacts.

✨SHOWCASE✨ Vintage Polly Pocket: Babysitting Stamper & Stampin' School (1992)

✨SHOWCASE✨ Vintage Polly Pocket: Babysitting Stamper & Stampin' School (1992)

✨SHOWCASE✨ Vintage Polly Pocket Quilted Hearts: Babytime Fun, Perfect Playroom, Strollin' Baby (1994)

✨SHOWCASE✨ Vintage Polly Pocket Quilted Hearts: Babytime Fun, Perfect Playroom, Strollin' Baby (1994)