All in Polly Pockets: Modern

✨SHOWCASE✨ Polly Pocket Collector: The Addams Family Holographic Compact Playset

FINALLY! I’ve been eagerly waiting for this Addams Family Polly Pocket ever since Canadian collectors have been posting about it. And now it’s finally miiine! I’m only excited because it’s a Halloween spooky themed Polly Pocket, as I myself have never seen The Addams Family shows and movies. But that doesn’t keep it from being one of the most well-designed Polly Pockets I’ve ever seen. Just look at the holographic compact!

✨SHOWCASE✨ Polly Pocket Collector: Harry Potter Hogwarts Snowglobe Compact Playset

I'm finally back after shaking off a stubborn 3-week sickness! And what better way to make my return than by diving straight into the long-awaited Harry Potter Polly Pocket. Lets immerse ourselves in the enchanting wizarding world of Hogwarts with Harry, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, and Dumbledore. By the way, I'm still a bit congested in this video, but I just couldn't wait any longer!

✨SHOWCASE✨ Polly Pocket: Puppy Party Piñata

It's time for another Polly Pocket piñata filled with little surprises, '90s nostalgia, and you guessed it...more confetti! This one's called Puppy Party and it's the shape of a weenie dog. How cute! This was released sometime last year but due to my long break, I'm just now catching up on a bunch of showcases I missed. More to come of course!

✨SHOWCASE✨ Polly Pocket Collab: Monster High & DreamWorks Trolls Poppy Playset

I'm finally showcasing the long-awaited collab between Polly Pocket and Monster High / Trolls! I've never seen the show nor have any of the dolls, but Monster High is one of the most creative and straight up coolest dolls out there. Plus, their brand is *chef's kiss*. The Trolls playset is of course based on the animated movie, which in and of itself is based on the '90s creepy trolls with the big ol' eyes. Let's dive into the showcase!