🌟INSPO🌟 Infinity Nikki Outfit Ideas Look Book

Yup, here’s another video game I’m whaling in 😅. I can’t help it, I truly have a passion for fashion and this is my absolute dream game. It’s like playing Barbie, but Nikki! This look book features all the outfits I’ve put together through mixing and matching. Pieces are obtained from questing, crafting, treasure chests, and the premium store. Stay sparkling, Stylists!

✨SHOWCASE✨ Polly Pocket Collector: The Addams Family Holographic Compact Playset

FINALLY! I’ve been eagerly waiting for this Addams Family Polly Pocket ever since Canadian collectors have been posting about it. And now it’s finally miiine! I’m only excited because it’s a Halloween spooky themed Polly Pocket, as I myself have never seen The Addams Family shows and movies. But that doesn’t keep it from being one of the most well-designed Polly Pockets I’ve ever seen. Just look at the holographic compact!

✨SHOWCASE✨ Vintage Polly Pocket Easter Eggs: Egg Hunt, Egg Painting, Egg Treats (2001)

A throwback to the early ‘00s! These little keychain eggs are so cute. I might just accessorize my purses with them when I go out. The pain I went through to unbox these! I really wanted to keep them sealed. But I promised myself I was going to PLAY with my Pollies, not lock them away. I also love miniature compacts and the pastel aesthetics are so adorable! 🥚🐇🐥