My Vintage 90s and Modern Polly Pocket Collection (Updated!)
Last year, I wrote a blog post recounting my Polly Pocket collection journey.
I spoke about what inspired me to start collecting and the impact these seemingly innocent toys had (and continue to have) on my life.
I have since grown my collection by [insert some large percentage here, let’s say 300% for emphasis], and I thought I’d make an updated post about it.
The Madness Continues
I thought my collection last year was already excessive. Well, past me should meet current me.
I’m not going to talk numbers and reveal how many I have or how much I’ve spent. Let’s just say…I’m very passionate about these toys.
What’s ridiculous is I only have about half of what’s actually out there and will probably never fully complete my collection.
One, there are sets that are way too rare and even I have my monetary limits. Two, I’m still not excited about Pollyvilles.
In my past post, I talked about completion and how I have this need to finish things all the way through. At this point, I’m willing to bend on that a little.
Realistically, not everything can be acquired. I also felt something inside me I haven’t felt in a long time when it comes to my own personal endeavors: satisfaction.
Well, semi-satisfaction because my personality is way too giddy to be 100% satisfied with anything. But that feeling was nice.
I was no longer wanting, needing, and desperate to keep adding to my collection. I think I’ve finally reached a good resting point.
Or so I thought…
B*tch, What the F*ck!
Sorry for the dramatic heading. That was just some internal monologue I had with myself.
As you can see, I added the modern Pollies. I also added a bunch of lockets and rings.
Yes, I have come to a good resting point with my Polly Pocket collection. But as capitalism would have it, many other toy companies were inspired by little Miss Polly and have created their own version of compact toys.
I am now eyeing compact toys outside the Polly sets. I didn’t want to reveal this elsewhere because I wanted it to be surprise, but for those who love me enough to follow my blog, here it is:
I’ve added the Shopkins compact toys to my collection (video coming soon)! There are more compact toys on my list that I want to add but I’m taking it slow. The last thing I want is to be buried in toys and regret having ever bought them.
Pure Childhood Bliss
Despite my negative rants due to feeling ever so slightly guilty about my Polly Pocket binges, I frickin’ love them.
Every time I look at them, my heart is filled with so much happiness. It’s like I’m transported back to the 90s were things were simple because I was but a naive child.
My YouTube channel has also grown quite a bit since I started my blogging/vlogging journey. Many people have been telling me how much they love watching my Polly videos because they, too, want to be transported back to the wonderful 90s.
This far into my collection, YouTube channel, blog, and my recently launched shop, I’ve really learned to be true to myself. I love Pollies. I love toys. I love pink.
What I want all of us to take away from this is to do things that make you happy and be yourself. I sound like a cheesy Disney movie, but we live in a world where it’s hard to do those things. That’s when we have to fight extra hard to live the lives we want.
Me in the 90s with my favorite Polly Pocket, the Jewel Magic Ball.
Take this little 90s girl as an example. She believes in you!